Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Let's Just Have Fun

I've toiled over the "Question of the Week"; desperately seeking something inspirational and earth-shattering.  My top 2 choices would have uncovered the depth of change you've experienced and possible books you could write about your life.

BOOOOORINNGGGG!  (Ok, I'm totally asking these later on....)

Not this week, folks! I feel fantastic!! Everything seems exciting, new, and hopeful. The sun is staying out a little longer and I have the world on a string. (Tune in next week for what could be a completely different sentiment..;))

Why am I so happy? I have things to look forward to.  Things that I think are fun. Things that I forgot I loved and things that are new and exciting. I love having fun. LOVE IT!

I've always loved to have fun, but it wasn't until the last few years that I stopped feeling guilty for having fun.  I know, I know....This is hard to believe, but I have a habit of over-analyzing.  Does having fun mean that I'm irresponsible, unfocused, a bad parent, a poor money manager? (I can think of one person who would say yes to this....) HELL NO!
Having fun means that you have figured out how to be happy; 
to deliberately do something that brings you joy. 

....And I said there wouldn't be any revelations here.  BOOM!!!  So, here's the question you've been waiting for....

What do you do to have fun?

My list.....This may surprise a few of you.  My nerdiness briskly unveiled today.  You're Welcome.

  • Cook/Bake  Especially with my guy.  Love, love love it! We made gravy 3 times in January. 
  • Walk/Hike   I seriously can't wait to get outside and explore nature again. I can walk for hours.
  • Curb/Thrift Shop Spring Clean-Up Days? I'm there.  Goodwill's Sunday $1.29 Tag Sale.  Yes, because full price would be crazy!!
  • Biking This one is obvious.  You should try it.  The wind whips through your hair even with a helmet! 
  • Watch my kids be winners  They're pretty fun in general and always winners. I like how they think and love to question them and promote coolness in their lives. Rock on, little brothers!
  • Read, Re-read, and listen to audiobooks I always have a pile of books on my bed and a CD playing in the car.
  • Making stuff out of other stuff  What can I say, I love transformations.
  • Traveling to places other people think are boring. I don't need flashy signs and coupons to lure me in.  I'm smarter than that, dammit!
  • Bite off more than I can chew  Yes, I like to take on big challenges to feel victorious. It's hard work but fun in the end.
  • Paint Anything that paint can attach to....
  • Dress in Costume Try it.  Seriously.....Find a reason to dress like a Meerkat or the Pope.  This needs to be added to your "Fun List"
  • Try New Beer No, I am not a drunk. Beer is good. Monks make beer.  Therefore, God approves. Again....You're welcome.
Yes, I could say more, but will give you a chance.   The key to feeling great is to have fun.  Do something that makes you smile and laugh. You'll be a better person and you'll thank me for it.

Please comment, send me a message, text, or post on my FB page.   


  1. Experience anything new! Travel to new places, see new things, meet new people! I have an adventurous spirit and love novelty and variety! Learning something new just feeds my soul...

  2. Love this!!! And I have to say "Ditto". We went to the Iowa State Campus for the weekend and I got all tingly thinking about everything I could learn if I was there. Plus, we ate tons of good food!!
