Monday, January 27, 2014

What Are You Waiting For?

Let's get this out of the way....I love the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  No surprise, maybe.... I'm divorced, over 30 (ok.. 40), love to read and write, and never seem satisfied with where I am. The books is literally highlighted and tagged with my favorite life-changing quotes which I read over and over.

At one point in the book, Liz is a mess, depressed, and dissatisfied with her life and her significant other says, "Stop constantly waiting for something!" It was at the very moment my eyes scanned those words that I stopped, blushed, and looked around to see if I had been caught. I had been called out by someone I never met.  ....And still I wait.

So, this week's question, the very first question ever to grace the pages of this brand-new, shiny blog:

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  • Happiness
  • Money
  • Love
  • For my hair to grow out
  • To lose my 2012 & 2013 Holiday weight gain....Yes both years....sigh
  • For my kids to get older
  • For approval
  • For someone to notice me
  • To be "good enough"
  • For everything to be perfect....
  • Publisher's Clearing House (assholes)
  • The next Elizabeth Gilbert book.
  • A purpose
  • To write
  • To be successfull
  • To me proud of myself
  • To run fast.....
Yes, I have answers, but as you can see none are very good. I want to be happy, have freedom, travel, and be loved....and yet, I wait until everything falls into place. 

What are you waiting for?  What excuses are you giving yourself? Let me know!  Comment, send me a message, be prepared to answer if I run into you....

What are we waiting for and why the hell are we?

See you this week!!
